Coffee With Purps

Coffee Conversations with a Purple Girl

Of Unexpected Painting and People

Good morning friends. I’ve been listening to the Newsies soundtrack all weekend. One of the songs from the movie came up on a station I was listening to on Google Play and I was like “Hey, I should listen to that!” so I looked it up and decided to give the Broadway version a try and I’m a little in love with it. I made Logan listen to it for a while and he hated it, but he puts up with it because he loves me. Anyway, that was the soundtrack to my weekend.

I spent the day with cats and then drove up to my parents place to have dinner and pet tiny kittens and go to see the fifth and sixth grade musical at my cousin’s school. They wanted to see all their friends in the play and their mom was out of town, so my mom and I took them. It went about as well as you would expect a fifth and sixth grade musical to go. They did surprisingly well for their age group. The girl who played Belle sang beautifully, if only she would emote once in a while she would have been great. Anyway, we had a good time and I drove home listening to the Newsies in the rain and went to bed kind of late.

We had the church work day, which we thought we were going to be late for, but turned out to be early. We thought it started at 8, but in reality it started at 8:30, so we were fine. The list of jobs to do included cleaning the walls in the sanctuary and since it was rainy and cold I decided inside work was a thing I’d prefer this time around. I got to work with a friend to clean the walls above the heaters with a de-greaser given to us for the job. After going over each side a few times with this stuff, Ed comes in and looks at the walls to discover that the cleaning solution was taking paint off the wall. Solution? Just paint all the walls!

We mixed up two paints we had in the basement so we’d have enough to cover the side by the windows at least. Logan, Joyce, and I were given paint brushes, a roller and a ladder and sent off to paint the church unexpectedly. So that was the rest of our morning. I rather enjoy painting, for the most part. Except that I apparently was holding my brush strangely and managed to get a blister on my middle finger. I also managed to get quite a bit of paint on my pants. If I’d known we’d be painting I’d have worn my painting clothes, but of course I didn’t think about it when we got up. So now I have two pairs of paint jeans, and a hoodie with a splash on it from my husband.

We ate lunch, hung out at the house with my in-laws for a little and then headed into Monroeville for a hair cut for my husband and a quick dinner. My best friend was in town for her brother-in-law’s college graduation and wanted to go swing dancing that evening. We only wanted to go to see them. The place they were going to is a pretty loud, kind of dark, rather crowded and not introvert friendly. Logan will deal with it, for my sake, but after getting up early and painting half the church, neither of us were feeling particularly up for the dancing. So we agreed to meet up for drinks once they were done.

Logan and I got a nap, took showers, and got dressed around 8:30 pm to go out around 10. This is the closest we’ve ever gotten to being late night partiers. We had a great time, though, at Rock Bottom with the Grovers. We got a giant plate of nachos and talked nearly until they closed at 1 am. There aren’t many things that I really miss about being in college, but having those two around all the time is one of the big ones. We said goodnight and sent them off back to Twirl’s brother’s place up in Beaver Falls and returned home to snuggle kittens and get surprisingly more sleep than we did the night before.

We somehow managed to get up at a reasonable time on Sunday. Usually we struggle with getting up and out the door in a timely manner, but this week we were actually up before the alarms and got to enjoy some morning kitten time before getting up and ready. I even ate breakfast, it was nuts! So we got to church on time and enjoyed what is probably the second to last sermon in the Matthew series we’ve been working on for at least two years now, maybe two and a half. It’ll be interesting to see where we go from here.

I spent my afternoon reading Superman for All Seasons, on my husband’s insistence. He was really excited about it and has been recommending it to everyone. When he realized I hadn’t read it yet he mentioned that we had it in hard copy and so that was my afternoon. We rounded out our weekend, as always, with some nice time with the family and some plots with the siblings, because we’re always plotting something. We have a list of places we need to go with them. Over all, it was a very nice weekend, full of adventures, as it always is. I hope you had a lovely weekend too, my friends.

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