Coffee With Purps

Coffee Conversations with a Purple Girl

Life in Motion

Good morning, friends! I apologize for how long it’s been, but life has been, as usual, kind of crazy around here recently, and some down time was much needed. The good news is, we’re almost done with traveling for the year! One quick trip to the family cabin this weekend for Labor Day and we’ll get to stay home until next summer, presumably. We’ll see how that goes. I feel bad that we’re bailing on the birthday bash that I helped plan for September, but with all the other trips that popped up over the summer, we just can’t make it work too. So we’ll be done after this weekend and I’m super excited about that.

Last weekend we made our way down to South Carolina to watch the eclipse with our college friends. As much as I love our SC friends, I don’t want to drive down there again fro a very long time. The eight hour drive down wasn’t so bad. We were super sick of being in the car by the end, but we made it roughly around the time we had predicted we’d get there, factoring in stops for food and such. The drive back was the worst. We were in the car for eleven hours. We left at 9:30 in the morning and got home around 8:30 at night. We hit all of the construction in the entire state of West Virginia. I’ve never been so happy to leave a state in my whole life.

Aside from the terrible drive, we had a really nice weekend. We rented a house for the weekend and basically hung out there the whole trip, just catching up, playing games and watching videos with our friends. It was great to get to spend time just chilling with all of our out of town friends. We cooked food at the house and made drinks and had a lot of laughs together. We’re hoping to do similar “friend-cations” in the years to come.

The eclipse itself was a bit of a disappointment to all of us. The sky was clear and beautiful and perfect for the first phase but about half way in the clouds rolled in and stayed well through the rest of the eclipse. Despite missing out on watching the actual totality, we did get to see the 360 sunset effect and experience the twilight of totality along with all the animals getting confused and freaking out. It was a really cool experience over all, even if the clouds were a bummer. We’re hoping to gather again for the 2024 eclipse which will pass up near us.

Once we returned from our fun trip and escaped the terrible car ride, it was time to move my sister-in-law to college. Wednesday we went over and helped Molly pack up the car with all her things and drove up to Geneva to get her all settled in. It was kind of an emotional day all around. It was super weird to think that six years ago I was doing the same thing, and eight years ago it was Logan walking around the tent, gathering t-shirts and papers and signing things. Mostly, it was just strange to think that it’s Molly signing in to college and getting her ID badge and everything.

Moving in went super smoothly and we ate in the dining hall for lunch before heading to the book store. I got a Geneva sweatshirt to go with my Geneva sweat pants. So now I have three pieces of Geneva clothing, and one mug. After browsing the book store there was nothing left for us to do and orientation proper was starting soon, so we said our goodbyes and went to BFCaT for coffee before heading home. It was a little hard on Logan, leaving his little sister there, but we know she’s in good hands and she’s going to love Geneva, once everything gets moving.

So after all that excitement we decided a break was in order. We chilled with the parents on Saturday while doing laundry and hung out at home the rest of the week. We’ve been pretty busy, but hopefully, as fall approaches, things will begin to calm down. For now, I’m looking forward to a chill day with my cats. Have a lovely day, my friends.

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