Garden Update
I told you all about planting my garden at the end of May. It’s now been almost a month and I thought I would show off how it’s doing. I’ve been enjoying taking care of it so far, even if it is a little confusing and I’m not entirely sure I’m doing it right. I’m starting to see fruit, at least, so I must not be doing too badly!
So Here it is, in all it’s glory! My petunias have been doing really well, though it’s kind of early for them to be in full bloom this morning. I’ve been picking off the dead flowers, like my mom told me to, and they seem to be blooming happily. As you can see, my poor pepper plants are not doing quite so well. I am not convinced that they have grown at all since being planted. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong there. My dad said his peppers weren’t growing well this year either, so maybe it’s just a fluke. I’ll keep watering them and see how they do. My tomato plants are thriving now that I know to water them everyday. I have a couple indoor plants that don’t need that much water so thinking about them every day was a bit of a struggle starting off, but as my poor tomatoes started turning yellow at the bottom, I figured I’d better step it up. They are both green and happy now. I wish I could say the same about my jalapeno plant. I’m not sure why he’s yellow. My dad told me about the tomato plants that it’s either too much water or not enough and I’m afraid to change anything for fear of making it worse.
I am getting to see my first fruits forming, though! Both on the right side of my garden, oddly enough. I wonder if that’s significant somehow. Anyway, I have a little tomato growing on Bob and Jeff is nicely forming his first jalapeno with two more flowers which have recently lost all their petals.
Hopefully I’ll be able to figure out the yellowing issue so he can continue to grow little peppers for my husband to enjoy. I’m quite excited about them. Not that I’ll be eating any of them, but I’m sure it will make Logan quite happy to be able to run out to the yard and pick a couple to eat with whatever we’re having. Or probably just to snack on. Apparently jalapeno and peanut butter sandwiches are quite tasty.
So that’s how my garden is doing. I had to tie Betty the tomato plant to the fence to keep her from flopping over. Bob is growing against the fence on his own, so I’ll leave him be unless he starts flopping too. For my first year as a gardener I think it’s going pretty well thus far and I’m super excited to see what kind of harvest I get this year! I’m not holding out hope for my little pepper plants, but even if it’s just the one tomato and one jalapeno I would call that a success. Have a lovely day, my friends!
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